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Lankaran is a subtropical paradise-like resort. Nature here is not only astonishing, but healing as well. The black sand of the Lankaran beaches has also curative properties. An iconic landmark of Lankaran is “Yanar bulag” or “Burning spring”, where the water containing natural gas is burning constantly. Tea is one of the most consumed beverages here in Azerbaijan and Lankaran happens to be one of the main tea-growing regions due to its rich soil. In Lankaran there’s even a monument to samovar – a heated metal container to heat and boil water. Local cuisine is very rich and diverse, and includes a large number of dishes from rice, meat, fish, beans, greens, as well as mouth-watering sweets. It has largely been affected by its multicultural history. Among the most famous dishes of this region is lavangi.

Top 10 Hotels in Lankaran

Accommodation Options in Lankaran

Fri, 28 Mar - Sat, 29 Mar

Weather Averages for Lankaran